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archipylago #9 - sprint at Konttori

February 13, 17:00-21:00

Turku, Finland
Hämeenkatu 9, Turku

Do you have a hobby or school project you've been meaning to work on but keep procrastinating over and over again? There's just so many distractions at home and getting stuck sucks.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to add in a sprinkle of social accountability and structure to your project and that's where we come in.

Bring your project with you and join us at Konttori Thursday 13.2. to make progress, meet fellow Python developers and get help if you're stuck.

Our sprints are hands-on programming events where asking for help is encouraged. We want to foster an environment where developers get together once every couple of months to work on their projects, start new ones, learn new things and meet others in the same situation.

The doors open at 17 and we wrap up before 21 after which we'll continue the discussions in Portti right next door.

archipylago archipylago

Created by

Juha-Matti Santala Juha-Matti Santala

Propose talk to archipylago