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Aurajoki Overflow: Frameworks Sponsored by Identio

February 19, 18:00-21:00

Turku, Finland
Linnankatu 13a B20, 20100 Turku

Welcome to the Aurajoki Overflow February meetup!

It's our second Aurajoki Overflow for the year 2025 and we are happy to be hosted by Identio!

Our first meetup of the spring season will be happening on Wednesday, 19th of February.

The February meetup is sponsored and made possible by Identio.

In this month's meetup we will discuss frameworks! We have Kasperi showing us how you can use Rails 8 to get from idea to Production in 40 minutes and Juhis will share us his love letter to Django.


18:00 Welcome! Beverages and snacks!
18:10 Introduction to the meetup and a word from our sponsor Identio.
18:15 Kasperi Keski-Loppi: Rails 8: From Scratch to Production in 40 Minutes
19:00 Break with refreshments, snacks and food
19:15 Juha-Matti Santala: Love letter to Django
20:00 Hanging out, Lightning Talks, Relaxing
21:00 -> Afterbeers @ Olutpuoti 5.5

Kasperi Keski-Loppi: Rails 8: From Scratch to Production in 40 Minutes

What if you could build a web app before your coffee gets cold? What if you could release it before it gets warm? What if you could skip the nonsense and just focus on the fun stuff?

Ruby on Rails 8 knocked it out of the park with its promise of “No PaaS Required”. It brings everything you need to build & deploy a web app — and impress your peers — all in one neat package. Everything? Yes, everything. Curious? Come find out!

In this hands-on showcase, we’ll build a web app live, from scratch to production, in just 40 minutes. By the end, you’ll have it up and running on your phone! Here’s what we’ll tackle (roughly):

  • User management
  • User authentication
  • Background jobs & queuing
  • Caching
  • Mailing
  • Live content updates (WebSockets, anyone?)
  • Managing products (or some $RECORDS)
  • Deploying, releasing, and even SSL

Got an idea for what we should build? Bring it along! We’ll stick to a simple CRUD app (think “specific online store” vibes), and you get to name it too!

Juha-Matti Santala: Love letter to Django

Python developers have many good web frameworks to choose from and Django is my favourite. In this public declaration of love, I talk about the best parts of Django and why in the sea full of fish, it's a strong option to choose for projects of all sorts.

We'll explore good defaults, ORM, iterative development and more!

Aurajoki Overflow Aurajoki Overflow

Created by

Matias Huhta Matias Huhta

Propose talk to Aurajoki Overflow