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European Testing Conference [Discount code included]

February 8, 08:30

Helsinki, Finland
Pikku Satamakatu 3-5, 00161 , Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

We're organizing an international traveling testing conference "European Testing Conference 2017" in Helsinki, Finland in February 2017. We'd love to see you take part of it, and give you a discount code for the event - use TECHEXCELLENCE to get 10% off the ticket prices in the web shop.
Why should you join?
The conference has a hands-on focus on how different software development roles see testing, most strongly bridging programmer views (automation) and tester views (system test automation & exploratory testing). It's a cross section of tester and software craftsmanship communities. 
The conference creates opportunities for you to not just listen but meet and mingle. Come experience conference-wide lean coffee (facilitated discussions in small groups on agenda the group creates) and try open space (participant initiated sessions & discussions). 
The conference features 30 international speakers that we have talked to about their talks and believe are absolutely brilliant. The pre-conference trainings are a good representation of variety of topics. 

More info: http://europeantestingconference.eu 

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