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Marketing Meetup Helsinki: Influencer Marketing

June 7, 18:00

Helsinki, Finland
Kaisaniemenkatu 13A, 2nd floor, Helsinki

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Marketing Meetup Helsinki is the home of marketers and marketing enthusiasts in different fields and experiences, whether you're a hardcore marketing genius or just dipping your toe into the pool of marketing.
The last themed event for this spring will be on Influencer Marketing. What better way to dive into the topic than having a top 100 ranked social selling influencer present? We will also learn successful cases of influencer marketing and find out how numbers, although important, are not always the best method to measure the success of this form of marketing.
Join us, while there are still places left!
Welcome Juha Pihkakoski, Organizer, Marketing Meetup Helsinki  Alexandra Petrova, Host, HUB13
Working with Digital Influencers: Creating Meaningful Content and Brand Value Kathrin Deter, Owner, Luminoucity

Catch the aspect of authenticity in storytelling through working with storytellers and learn the difference in creating an initiative vs. building a campaign. 
Find out, how numbers are not always what matters when we measure results and learn about successful cases of executions such as the Nordic Bloggers' Experience.
Marketing Tech: To be announced
Influencer Marketing as a Way to Generate Leads & Revenue Sani Leino, Certified Sales Coach in Social Selling, Inbound Sales & Emotional Sales Intelligence

With a strong 10 + year background in sales especially around B2B, he strongly believes in social business, lean and growth hacking methodology as a way to generate new business. Sani was recently listed in the "Top 100 Social Selling Influencers in the World 2016" -list and is in charge of ThingLink's partner program and market entry as a Sales Director of Europe. 

Networking & Beers @ Oluthuone Kaisla

Marketing Meetup Helsinki Marketing Meetup Helsinki

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