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Using Python to build clean energy future

September 13, 18:00

Helsinki, Finland
Fortum, Keilaniementie 1, Espoo

External Registration

Open Registration Page

Fortum is hosting our first Meetup of the autumn and we'll explore data analytics, LP and concurrency. Welcome! 
As usual, bring your own laptop, we'll be getting to work on some code. To prepare for the Meetup, please try to install the following libraries: Pandas, NumPy and PuLP. If you have problems/questions, you can find us on Flowdock. 

18:00  Welcome to the Meetup
Opening words from the organizer
18:10   Spring by Fortum
Janne Happonen presents Fortum’s internal startup called Spring.
18:20   Code is the new fuel
Juhani Rantaniemi will present how modern energy systems need software and tell about the IoT and data-analytic cases that Spring by Fortum is solving.
18:30  Workshop 1: Data-analytics with Numpy & Pandas
19:00  Workshop 2: Solving optimization cases with Pulp
19:30  Workshop 3: Solving concurrency with Python standard libraries
20:00  Chatting & End of the event

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